01. 2013 Race Season Recap


This year, after four years of directing TNTT (that’s Tuesday Night Time Trials for those not in the know) and now switching to competing, I made it a goal to improve my TTs from years' past. About three years ago I'd set my personal best in perfect conditions, riding against a pair of pro triathletes from down under, finishing with a 31:44 @ 23.50mph on the 20K course. I had never been close to that time before or since then, regardless of conditions, equipment or fitness. This year I made it my goal to best my mark, and additionally to break 24mph while posting higher finishes. Comfortably sitting in my mid-50s, these might not be easy, but if a goal is easily attainable it's not worth setting.
The first part of the year was geared toward training for my first sanctioned event, Tri-Shark. My times going into the race were not what I'd hoped, but my placings were all in the top 1/5 in windy conditions. All the training in the winds paid off, as on race day it was extremely windy. While my speed wasn't at the level I'd targeted (only 22.30mph), in the less than ideal conditions my bike time was in the top 5% of over 500 racers. I suppose I ought to be pleased with that.
Now Tuesdays became a near obsession as I struggled to shave those few seconds from my best. Some out there may challenge the notion of TNTT as a real race, I challenge those to come out on a monthly basis and experience that these are indeed competitive events.  In mid-July I managed a 23+mph bike split for 24 miles at the Evergreen Tri, so I felt my season was on track. I became remarkably consistent the next several weeks with times ranging from 5 seconds to 45 seconds short of my goal, while finishing on the podium six times. Nine weeks of results that three years ago would have elated me, but now only left me frustrated.  This time frame included the infamous "week of the white Olds",  when I finished a mere six seconds from my goal despite being blocked by a car caught in slower traffic.
With one week of TNTT remaining, I'd still fallen short of my target. The final TT came with decent, but not perfect, conditions. My last shot for the year to break my personal record. I felt good, I was hydrated, bike was fine, this was it. Do or die. I get the countdown at the start, and a short 30 minutes and 54 seconds later I'd finally achieved two of my goals. I'd dropped 50 seconds from my previous best and broken the 24mph barrier. I finished in sixth place, which I’d bested ten times through the year, but this was by far the most satisfying TNTT of 2013 for me!
Four days later came the icing on the cake...at the Oak Run Triathlon west of Peoria my relay team finished eighth overall, first relay, and I posted the second fastest bike leg of the day on a course I'd never seen, while riding without my Garmin. A very satisfying finish to my season.

Now, having met all of my goals for 2013, I'm faced with the prospect of making new goals for the coming year. One downside to meeting goals is the fact that at this level higher goals now become exponentially more difficult. I won't divulge these aims now, you’ll have to read next year for that update!


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