04. Mick, Just Mick on Quotes

Mick, Just Mick
on Quotes
Quotes. How much can one write (or think, for that matter) about quotes. This stems (as will many of my essays here on Tumblr) from Facebook, and the incredible usage of quotes therein. I’m not just talking of actual quotes of some celebrity, famous, not so famous, or infamous, but of the whole sharing phenomenon. You know what I mean; you see some funny or poignant photo, video, comic, etc that one of your F’Book pals has posted (or shared from another!), and you find it humorous or meaningful in some way and so you quickly cursor your way over to the “Share” button to spread it to your page, a friend’s page, or even to a group. I’m as guilty of this as any of you out there are, but I sometimes pause, and think “does this really say something I want to share?” Oftentimes the answer is no! I fight off the urge to show my F’Book universe just how cute that kitty is.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes what another has said is absolutely perfect for stating what I have in mind, but the sometimes automatic sharing of items like A. Lincoln's famous "The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity," is a bit redundant the fourth time I see it. (Interestingly, I Googled this to be sure I had the "quote" correct, and I found at least four iterations of this, which means that one can't even trust a misquote to be quoted accurately!) If you find or see a quote that is worth sharing with the world, by all means, click that share button, but know that you are likely the 47,381 person to do so.
Maybe instead of quoting others, we ought to aspire to be quoted. Not every time our fingers hit the keyboard, not daily or even weekly, but every now and then say (or tweet or post) something that makes others pause and think, and then reach out for that coveted share button. Before you know it there could be thousands of people reading words that emanated from your humble thought processes. All it may take is one phrase or sentence that strikes a chord with others, and certainly you have that sentence buried deep in your subconscious somewhere. Find it! Liberate it! Let the world know, "I've got something to say!"
Why stop with words? Why not perform acts worth “sharing.” Do something notable, something that another sees and thinks "I should do that!" It doesn't have to be a big deal or a world changer, just a little something that makes others smile or at least ponder and remember this event. Be that person that others want to be like, be that person that your friends quote behind your back, make a small difference, an impression on this world.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind, sharing obscure music videos and live performances is completely acceptable and is wholeheartedly encouraged.


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