Soul Siblings

I’m sure you are familiar with the term “soul-mate” know, that one perfect person for you on this earth. That one person out of the 7½ billion on this wide and wonderful and diverse orb we call home. That one person some folks strive to find and then live out their life in pure bliss. That one person who is your perfect match. Ah, what a romantic ideal that is, no? But, being the non-romantic pragmatic that I am, I feel the chance of finding your soul-mate (if said person even exists) is statistically unlikely if not impossible. The likelihood of a person even passing his or her alleged soulmate in a crowd is small indeed. But the chance of meeting, creating a bond, and engaging in a relationship with that rare individual is even more remote. What if that person lives in another city, or another state, or another country, or even an entirely different continent? What if he or she is too old or too young? What if you just don’t find that person attractive? So many potential roadblocks to even meeting, let alone falling in love with, your one special person. So, if there is truly only one person somewhere on this huge planet who is your soul-mate, chances are you’ll never meet him or her. Yes, the possibility does exist, but given the highly unlikely odds of said meeting, chances are you’ve not met that one, unique, perfect, mythical individual, and you likely never will. Ah, but not all is on!

So, by now you may be wondering what I mean by the title of this post: “Soul-Sibling.” The short, simple answer is that a soul-sibling(s) is in essence the same as a soul-mate, but with fewer restrictions. Just as with a biological sibling, a soul-sibling can be either gender, and age may be irrelevant.  And just as with a soul-mate, your soul-sibling just may be that suitable or perfect person with which to live out your life, or that soul-sibling may be your best friend; or maybe that soul-sibling is just that person with whom you are completely at ease, that person on whom you can count for anything (almost) and and for whom you will do anything (again, almost.) That individual with whom you are willing to work to maintain a relationship, simply because you find that friendship worth the effort (or it may be one of those rare relationships that seem to require no effort.) That unique individual with whom you can always be yourself: no false fronts, no pretenses. That person whose flaws are perfectly visible to you, but you accept them completely and unconditionally. A person who can see beyond and through your flaws (assuming you’re riddled with flaws like I am, and not one of those extremely rare flawless people.) That person whose flaws are a part of him or her, flaws that you may feel are not flaws at all, but just another interesting facet of this particular gem. However, unlike a single soul-mate, there may well be more than just one soul-sibling in your world. If you are very lucky, you meet many of your soul-siblings over the course of your life. They may be family, or they may be friends. If you’re really lucky, one of those siblings may be your partner for life. Be happy that there is more than just one remote individual out there for you. Get to know more of your “siblings” out there roaming around, and enjoy all that they have to offer.

So quit wasting your time and your life seeking that one “perfect” person out there...find those soul-siblings, and enjoy your time together.


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