March 22, 2016. 11:22 a.m.
(I'm attempting to post this at the exact time as…..)
Exactly one year ago today at 11:22 a.m. I met Stew. Stew, the squirrel. Up close and personal. I assume most of you are aware of my little incident, if not then you've not been following me very closely. (I can't fathom why you're not following me, but that's a different subject altogether.) Now, one year later I'm as physically healed as I imagine I will be. In fact, I feel that I'm just about as healed as I could possibly ask, after breaking my bike’s frame and my helmet, and my back and my neck. Oddly, for me, the only lingering physical remnant of the wreck is an itchiness all day, every day, on the surface of the skin right where the two broken vertebrae lie. I have to say that a year ago when the doctors came into the emergency room to inform me of the damage I'd done, I worried about my future physically. I wondered if I'd damaged myself to the point I'd not be able to ride a bike. The doctors also all seemed rather concerned about my prognosis. As was I.
Fast forward 366 days (leap year), and I'm happy to be back on the bike(s), and able to do everything I did before the accident. Happy to get to spend time with you, my friends and family. Happy to enjoy the outdoors, breathe the fresh air, feel the warm sunshine beaming down upon my face. Happy...nay, elated to be the same Mick as I was a year ago. Maybe not the exact same, a little grayer, a little heavier, and a little slower, but still out there doing what makes me smile. I’m hoping to see lots of all of you for years to come!
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