
Showing posts from March, 2016

Let Me Get This Off My Chest

This is my seventh and I think final post regarding the closing of the factory and the events following, beginning with the announcement of the closing in late July, and ending with me finding meaningful employment. It has been quite an emotional rollercoaster ride, with a few highs and a few more lows, lost sleep and tears shed. I feel like one of the lucky ones, I’m still on my feet and now putting my life back in order, if in a slightly different direction. Many of my former coworkers are still looking for their own personal different direction. I wish them all the best. I feel for them. Let's call this a venting (although if I don't control myself, it could easily become a rant.) The events that transpired over the last seven or more months since the announcement of the closing have been, to say the least, a bit unpleasant and stressful for my family and me. I have largely kept my cool throughout this, but it has not been without effort. Much of what has transpired has...

It Takes A Village

There is an old saying….“It Takes a Village.” While the original intent of this adage was, I believe, in regards to raising a child, in this case it's in regards to me rejoining the workforce after my forced separation...and in this case, YOU are that village. Without my connections to you all, without the support of my friends, and without the never-wavering support of my wife, I could not have navigated those treacherous waters in search of that elusive job...that white whale that evaded me at every turn until I enlisted help from you, my crew. I cannot fully express my gratitude here, but rest assured, your aid and support did not go un-noticed. I had but to mention I was in need, and in no time I'd have a dozen messages with advice, offers, and good thoughts. (Do not underestimate the value of those thoughts, those messages helped me through some stressful times. I often went back to peruse some of those when feeling alone.) My search for sustainable employment is a ...

March 22, 2016. 11:22 a.m.

(I'm attempting to post this at the exact time as…..) Exactly one year ago today at 11:22 a.m. I met Stew. Stew, the squirrel. Up close and personal. I assume most of you are aware of my little incident, if not then you've not been following me very closely. (I can't fathom why you're not following me, but that's a different subject altogether.) Now, one year later I'm as physically healed as I imagine I will be. In fact, I feel that I'm just about as healed as I could possibly ask, after breaking my bike’s frame and my helmet, and my back and my neck. Oddly, for me, the only lingering physical remnant of the wreck is an itchiness all day, every day, on the surface of the skin right where the two broken vertebrae lie. I have to say that a year ago when the doctors came into the emergency room to inform me of the damage I'd done, I worried about my future physically. I wondered if I'd damaged myself to the point I'd not be able to ride a bike. ...