Let Me Get This Off My Chest
This is my seventh and I think final post regarding the closing of the factory and the events following, beginning with the announcement of the closing in late July, and ending with me finding meaningful employment. It has been quite an emotional rollercoaster ride, with a few highs and a few more lows, lost sleep and tears shed. I feel like one of the lucky ones, I’m still on my feet and now putting my life back in order, if in a slightly different direction. Many of my former coworkers are still looking for their own personal different direction. I wish them all the best. I feel for them. Let's call this a venting (although if I don't control myself, it could easily become a rant.) The events that transpired over the last seven or more months since the announcement of the closing have been, to say the least, a bit unpleasant and stressful for my family and me. I have largely kept my cool throughout this, but it has not been without effort. Much of what has transpired has...