The Rollercoaster of Life

Life is full of ups and downs, happy and sad, peaks and valleys, highs and lows, good and bad. These last few months have exemplified just that. I finished last year on a series of high notes. If you follow this infrequent blog you are aware that I had a banner year in the saddle in 2014. [Happy!]

Of course, being a cyclist, I made it my goal(s) to continue on and improve upon those achievements. But, in one second of late morning on March 22, my cycling year came to a crashing halt, literally and figuratively. A fairly serious injury would keep me off of my bikes for three months. Okay, I would just have to start from scratch and rebuild my biking self. [Sad.] My first day back was a humbling experience. I don't remember ever feeling so incapable on two wheels before. Immediately after that ride my spirits were brightened by what may have been the most satisfying meal ever (squirrel gumbo.) The following couple of weeks were a struggle, but I saw improvements almost daily. On July 7 I rode our local TT again, and was elated with my results. Maybe not as fast as last year by a long shot, but a huge step up from two weeks previous. [Happy!]

I should have guessed that a disaster was near. I had barely gotten off of my bike that evening when news of a crash on the course spread. A good friend had been forced off the road by a motorist. Law enforcement and an ambulance were summoned. My friend was rushed to the hospital to find he had suffered injuries nearly identical to mine from three and a half months earlier. My heart sank, as I knew he now has a rough road back. [Sad.]

Dean, know that this is but a low point that you will climb up from, like a Phoenix from the ashes, to achieve new and better heights. I toast your return with a pint of those wonderful little green flowers we call hops. I (and all of us) eagerly await your return. I'm only sorry we will not enjoy a bowl of redneck gumbo when you rejoin us.



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