Maude 2.0
As most, if not all, of you are aware, I lost a loved one on March 22, 2015. Her name: Maude. While I’d known her for only two and a half years, she had become very special to me. (I should perhaps mention, Maude is one of my bikes.) I always claim that, as with my children, I don’t have a favorite bike. My standard response to being asked which bike I like most is “The one between my legs.” Whichever bike I happen to be riding that day. However, looking back at my ride logs from the past few years shows me that Maude has been my steed for about 45% of my miles. “But that’s less than half,” you exclaim! Yes, but consider that I split my time among five different bikes, and then it becomes apparent that I just might prefer one of my bikes over the others! (Shhh, don’t let the other bikes know.)
Anyway, on March 22, Maude and I were involved in an incident with some local wildlife. Vicious beast it was, with claws, fangs, and a nasty disposition; meanest squirrel I’d ever encountered. We met the pavement in a violent collision, breaking the squirrel's and my back, and coincidentally breaking Maude’s back in the process.
She might be repairable, but would she have the will to continue her existence at a lesser level, forever to be known as the bike that used to be so beautiful, not unlike a two-wheeled Joan Rivers with too much restorative surgery? I’ll leave that question open for future discussion.
So...what was I to do. My most loyal riding partner was down, but I’d be damned if I was going to give up cycling. Ah, well, I was going to have plenty of recovery time to ponder what my options were. Unbeknownst to me an amazing, loving, thoughtful, and attractive group of my biking friends had taken up a collection to help me in my attempt to replace the damaged steed. Replace Maude? I secretly wondered if that was even possible, after all, she had re-awoken a portion of my cycling world that I’d not fully enjoyed in some years. Some mighty big (and not inexpensive) shoes to fill. What to do...I head down to see my good friends (family) at Bloomington Cycle and Fitness to consider what options were available to me. They were kind enough to track down a new, 2014 frame that would be a near-direct replacement for the damaged one. The good folks at Specialized, when filled in on my circumstance, were even kind enough to give me a discount! But, one of Maude’s claims to fame was her color, a bright metal-flake orange (understatedly referred to as "copper" by the manufacturer) that was no longer available. How could the new frame not pale in comparison (literally and figuratively.) As it turned out, the replacement is up to the task. She is candy-apple red with a bit of sparkle to really glisten in the sun. Maude 2.0 will soon be in my possession, and I'll wait patiently for my doctor's approval, so I can once again fly up and down the rural byways surrounding me.
I feel I must say, though, my newest bike doesn't belong to only me. She also belongs to all of you: you who helped to make this financially feasible, you who took time from your busy lives to visit me in the hospital, you who stood next to me in my dark hours, you who were quick to give encouragement when I was down, you who drove me places when I was unable, you who took me to lunch or dinner when I needed company, you whose shoulder I leaned on whether you knew it or not. Yes, if you're seeing this post, I mean you. Without all of your kindness, my future ride would likely not be of the stature of my previous one, and I thank you all.
While she may belong to a community, she does need a place to stay and a pilot to guide her around, so she will spend her time at the appropriately named “Maude's. Fine Beers and Bikes”. And I will do my utmost to give her plenty of road time, preferably alongside many of you who have a rightful claim to part ownership. Oh, and don't bother to ask if you can ride "your" Maude. She will be occupied carrying me all over creation and back.
Update: Maude 2.0 is now in my possession, but alas, my doctor’s orders forbid me from riding her for another 4 weeks. I guess I’ll just polish her (multiple times), while waiting...not so patiently...sigh.
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