Maude 2.0 As most, if not all, of you are aware, I lost a loved one on March 22, 2015. Her name: Maude. While I’d known her for only two and a half years, she had become very special to me. (I should perhaps mention, Maude is one of my bikes.) I always claim that, as with my children, I don’t have a favorite bike. My standard response to being asked which bike I like most is “The one between my legs.” Whichever bike I happen to be riding that day. However, looking back at my ride logs from the past few years shows me that Maude has been my steed for about 45% of my miles. “But that’s less than half,” you exclaim! Yes, but consider that I split my time among five different bikes, and then it becomes apparent that I just might prefer one of my bikes over the others! (Shhh, don’t let the other bikes know.) Anyway, on March 22, Maude and I were involved in an incident with some local wildlife. Vicious beast it was, with claws, fangs, and a nasty disposition; meanest squirrel I’d ev...