My First Date (With Bunny) Early February, 2015. The depths of winter. At this point annually, I am always struggling with SID (seasonal induced depression). The seemingly constant darkness, the cold, the wind, the loneliness...all wear me down. Every year at this time, I spend the next few weeks waiting (less than patiently, mind you) for spring and its promise of warmth, sunshine, friends, and bikes. Yes, bikes. The thing I miss most through winter is the times spent astraddle one of my bikes, laughing, cursing, sweating, smiling, etc with all of my besties! This winter was much the same as years past, longing for spring. Ugh. But wait. In recent years a new type of bicycle has arisen. The Fat Bike, aka the Snow Bike, aka a-bike-that-can-extend-one's-riding-season-significantly. I've seen many teammates and friends getting one of these curiosities. I've been tempted, but is it worth dropping another chunk of change on a bike that honestly would get limited use f...