In light of some oft-repeated grammar misuse, I propose adding a new word to the  Facebook English language. In spoken communication this word may go unnoticed, but in written Facebook English, it will make life much easier for so many.

My proposal: "thare". The word can have different meanings, depending upon context:
1) It could indicate a specific location. (There)
2) It could mean "they are". (They’re)
3) It could show possession, belonging to them. (Their)

Thare has the same pronunciation and meanings of the following words: "there," "their," and "they're." Two accepted spellings are proposed, "thare", and "thair". Tharefore, one need not be concerned with the proper usage, as our new word is not restricted to the rigid rules by which its homonyms are required to abide. No more must we worry which “there” (or “they’re” or “their”) is proper, or how to spell the word (i before e except after…..?). Think of the time saved, the pressure eased, the criticism avoided when usage on Facebook is improper. Life could be so much simpler if we adopt this word.

Everybody join me, let’s all start today using thare!!!!


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