Thirty Days of Mick!!!!

Thirty Days of Mick

It all began mid-morning, July 13, 2014, but perhaps a bit of explanation of what led us to this is in order before we delve into the Thirty Days. A few members of the Tri-Sharks club put together two relay teams for the Rodney T Miller Triathlon in Decatur. (Nicely run event, by the way.) One team competing in the men's, and the other in the coed divisions. Naturally there was a bit of good-natured rivalry between the two threesomes of friends. Race day came, wet and dreary, as we traveled south to Decatur. The radar showed that the rain was passing, but would be our unwanted companion for a time. It was still raining lightly upon our arrival, so we checked in, got our race packets, and waited, all the while gazing forlornly at the western sky as it lazily lightened up. Upon our arrival we were notified that due to lake conditions, the swim portion of the race would now be replaced with a one mile run. Neither team was ecstatic with this turn of events, but such is the life of triathlon. Fortunately, our swimmers were both quite capable of standing up to the challenge.
The race started on schedule, under weeping skies as we all slowly progressed from damp, to moist, to finally wet. Both swimmer-turned-runners finished their legs of the race and it was time for the bikes to do their part. Although I loathe riding in rain, the bike leg went well considering I had no warm-up, had never seen this course with its rolling twisty first and last miles, and of course, the pavement was wet. I finished my part, rolled into transition, handed my timing chip to my teammate, and waited. By this time the rain had stopped, and I grabbed a drink and headed to the finish line to cheer on my runner. A few minutes cheering the race leaders, and here she comes! Boom...we had a fantastic race, finishing well ahead of our hometown opponents. We now waited for them...and waited...and waited. Finally we see their runner coming into the finish chute! We all congratulate each other, collecting our finishers' medals and cheering the other racers coming in now. The race is about done now, so we go to the results board to see how we fared against the competition. The other Tri-Shark team had won its division, finishing first team, guaranteeing a first-place trophy for them. Our team however had the unfortunate turn of events to be up against four other teams! In spite of what I thought was a decent finish time, we finished third of five, and alas, no trophy for us. We had beaten our friends by over six minutes, but they, by the sheer luck (or brilliance if you ask them) of having no competition in their division, won a first place trophy by default, while we went home empty-handed. They were, from that point on, continually reminding me that they got a trophy, and we did not...and so begins...
"The Thirty Days of Mick."
July 13, Day One
(The photos are listed on the day posted, not necessarily on the day taken!)
(4 photos, plus the teams' times)
As always happens at these events there are lots of photos taken, this day would be no exception. I thought nothing of having my pic taken with friends displaying their trophies while I had none. I had no idea what the next month had in store for me, not even when I saw the Facebook post with a winner's trophy next to a 30 pack of PBR, with the hash tag: #thirtydaysofmick. I would soon find out. Is it thirty days because there were thirty cans of that golden nectar, or is that just a coincidence? Photos range from beer shots (go figure), to dog pics, to some quite artistic efforts (see 'Here's Mick!'), and of course, the obligatory "Mick without trophy" picture. Anyway, enjoy the photos.

July 14, Day Two
(5 photos)
We start the second day with a couple of beer shots, along with a rather generic "two trophies on a table" photo, and the bar is raised with the swimmer shot (Dennis) and the ornamental bike pic (chez Forche). Let's see if the perpetrators can keep this level of quality for thirty days!

July 15, Day Three
(4 photos)
This third day's photos were all taken at our local Tuesday Night Time Trials (TNTT), with creative kudos going to the cornsilk pic, and the shot of the Decatur TT visor (an award in its own right) with the trophy.

July 16, Day Four
(9 photos!)
A couple beer shots (see a pattern yet?), breakfast of champions, "don't suck" (a classic in TriShark lore), fish tank at LRI, a bike shot, flowers (?), a mailbox...(hey, that's my mailbox!), but the best shot of the day, and perhaps the whole series, Eric's son holding his trophy while wondering what I'd think about his win.

July 17, Day Five
(5 photos)
A day in which the creative juices were flowing, with Abraham Lincoln making an appearance; a dog superimposed over a previous photo; some doofus holding his beer, finisher medal, and of course his trophy; a "hash tag"; and then the first Facebook post sans photo.

July 18, Day Six
(6 photos)
The first appearance of a total stranger with a trophy, three beer pics, a photo from race day surfaces, a picture of another Mick on a bike, a very happy Melissa, and the first (of many) post expressing sympathy for the abuse I'm getting. An interesting mix.

July 19, Day Seven
(3 photos)
Has the excitement worn off? Only three photos? One beer shot, a grocery store pic, and photographic evidence that I am indeed capable of winning an award.

July 20, Day Eight
(5 photos)
One pic in which I hang my head in shame, another in which I gaze wistfully at a trophy. Also today, the thirty days goes interstate, with an addition from Durango, Co. One photo shows that a friend has a plethora of awards that I don't, and Geno posts a calendar shot showing the end of the first week. But something is amiss in that final image. Any guesses?

July 21, Day Nine
(1 photo)
Only one photo? Are we nearing the end of my friends' creativity? Perhaps, only time will tell. It's a good one though, with Cartman by a trophy!

July 22, Day Ten
(4 photos)
Two of these are screen shots from Facebook, out of context, but thirty days still manages to rear its ugly head. One photo is of a dog I don't even know, and the other is at a place I need to visit: World of Beer.

July 23, Day Eleven
(1 photo)
"Who did you piss off, man?" This came from a fellow worker who'd been seeing the thirty days posts and comments. I explained, told him it was all in good fun, and he agreed once he understood. Apparently however, the state of "pissed-offness" may be waning. Only one photo surfaced this day, a pic of the honorable Normal city councilman, Kevin.

July 24, Day Twelve
(5 photos)
Definitely got some good pictures today, along with a couple Facebook posts in which there was no hashtag, but comments regarding my lack of trophy. One photo at a brewery in Chicago area, one in my favorite bike shop (with one of my favorite people), and one of the infamous trophy chilling.

July 25, Day Thirteen
(6 photos)
Today we (Scott, Geno, and I) marked the roads for MOS, a local fundraising ride. Of course the trophy had to accompany us on the journey. Along the way we encountered a curious young cow, and a curious young bartender (odd that we would run into a bartender). We posted signs for rest stops, and saw the Stumptown School sign. After our labors we joined some old friends (and a trophy) for some Mexican food. Good, good day.

July 26, Day Fourteen
(6 photos)
Miles of Smiles. Busy day, starting before 5:00am. A lot going on, not sure how much time my tormentors could dedicate to the Thirty Daze. I underestimated them. Four shots from the event, including one of a very comfortable award-winner, another award I failed to win, an award "wiener", and my favorite of the day, me reaching for an award as the trophy holder looks impish. Unrelated to the day was Beer Camp (I need to go there), and Thirty Days goes international with an image from Spain!

July 27, Day Fifteen
(3 photos)
Only three, but all good ones (I hesitate to say " winners," because not being one myself, I know nothing of such things). The first from the automotive section with the STP, with the other two having ties to China. In fact, some of the comments originate from China!.

July 28, Day Sixteen
(8 photos)
Eight photos today, but only three are of the "official" thirty days trophy. My apologies for a few of the images, might not be suitable for some eyes! You've been warned! Five shots are of various other trophies including the Stanley Cup, one of wrestling (I hope!), and one that is distinctly phallic. Of the three official pics, one from a few days back when we were marking roads emerged, one includes a server who "insisted" she get in on the fun, and the last of two lovelies with three beers in front of them (the photographer claimed he was drinking only water).
July 29, Day Seventeen
(5 photos)
All quiet on the trophy front. Until...TNTT. Typical evening at the races: sign in, warm up, 63 minutes of racing, back to the parking lot to unwind...annnnd it's trophy time. Ironically, I again beat the award winners, but alas, no hardware to show for it. Out comes the Decatur first place award for some #thirtydaysofmick action. But wait, what's this? A good friend and fellow racer had made a trophy for me! This award, while unpolished and amateurish (made partially of cardboard), meant more to me than that "official" one ever could. Thank you so much, Thursday! Oh, and some sort of alien thing with a trophy?

July 30, Day Eighteen
(2 photos)
A scant two images today, is the newness wearing off, are the perpetrators growing "tired" of these shenanigans? Only one photo posted, and one mention on Facebook! And the mention barely fit the context of the thread! Does this signal that the end of ThirtyDaysofMick is near, or are they saving the good stuff for the final two weeks? Only time will tell.

July 31, Day Nineteen
(4 photos)
An interesting group of trophy laden images, beginning with a shot of beer from New York in an Illinois garage, and three from Colorado: a homeless guy(?), a pic in the airport, and a photo in a shop the likes of which we do not have here in Illinois!

August 1, Day Twenty
(10 photos!)
A lot of photos hit Facebook today, but only one from Illinois (emphasizing the fact that there is no trophy for third place finishes). One Facebook capture of discussion of the Ironman tracker app, proving that no subject is immune to Thirty Days. The rest originate from Boulder, including: some creative editing of a "don't suck" sign, beer, margaritas, a smiling waitress, and a crowd pleaser with two-time world champion Ironman Tim DeBoom!

August 2, Day Twenty-one
(4 photos)
One good shot of the much-coveted trophy, a photo of beers without a trophy in sight(?), a proud display of the "don't suck" sign (this keeps popping up for some reason), and a Facebook capture of me commenting with the thirty days tag.

August 3, Day Twenty-two
(12 photos)
Ten pics from Ironman Boulder, and one local shot and a Facebook capture. The capture is an excerpt from a discussion regarding my Sunday ride, and the local is of a couple friends heretofore unheard from in this thirty days. The Boulder images are an interesting lot: shots of beer, an Ironman finisher, a gorilla, and a unicorn(!).

August 4, Day Twenty-three
(2 photos)
After the onslaught of images yesterday, we're back to a manageable number today. I'll title this day’s entries "People I wonder about." You have to wonder about an individual who, in the middle of an Ironman, stops his race just to get his picture taken with a trophy that has absolutely no relevance to him. And, you have to worry about someone who takes his hard-won trophy to a dental appointment to get a photo.

August 5, Day Twenty-four
Only one shot? Are you guys running out of ideas? Bored with the whole thing? Let’s hope not!’s pic is of a gent paying his penance for being late to the start at TNTT.He was told to do twenty pushups, and to make it even tougher, he had to do them with the massive winner’s trophy on his back!

August 6, Day Twenty-five
(1 photo)
Another day with only one photo? C'mon, people. Are you even trying? This one does include a couple of my favorite things...bikes and beer. A good beer, too, love the Fixed Gear from Lake Front brewery. Kinda like the fixed gear bike as well!

August 7, Day Twenty-six
(2 photos)
Today there was as many images as the last two days combined...that's right, two. (I must admit though, only one photo, the other image is a Facebook capture of the photo's accompanying text.) The photo shows the trophy longing for dryer conditions, sitting forlornly on the dash of a car, vaguely reminiscent of the morning this all began.

August 8, Day Twenty-seven
(2 photos)
Two images today, the first with a group of medical professionals holding drinks (surprise) and the trophy. The second shot shows some imagination, the award is bungie corded to a lawn mower. I certainly hope it didn't fall off and get mulched! That would be a tragedy.

August 9, Day Twenty-eight
(6 photos)
Today the trophy goes to Starbucks to meet a dog, and then for dinner it meets the proprietor of Beningo's (and spies a sweet ride in the parking lot outside!) It also spends some time with an Ironman (the superhero) and an Ironman (12-time Ironman finisher Dennis). A pair of lovely ladies are seen with the trophy, and finally Ironman (the superhero) demonstrates that he can, indeed, fly.

August 10, Day Twenty-nine
(6 photos)
The trophy makes appearances at three eating establishments; breakfast with Ironman, a Mexican dinner, and Geno's Bar and Grill (complete with spider!) Julie rolls into the picture after a long run. A couple visors are on display, one from the Decatur TT series and the only known TNTT visor in existence.
August 11, Day Thirty
(4 photos)
The calendar resurfaces, indicating the end of "Thirty Days of Mick," but will it truly come to an end? Only time will tell. A friend from Decatur throws in his two cents worth, proudly displaying six of the trophies identical to the one I did not win. A completely unrelated discussion on Facebook somehow brings mention of the thirty days, and the hard-to-find Solemn Oath brewery makes an appearance. (Worth the effort to find, good beers there!)

August 12, Day Thirty(one)
( 10  photos)
Yes, I know, this is the 31st day of the “Thirty Days of Mick.” It seemed oddly appropriate to extend this one extra day, and let this meet its natural demise on a night of TNTT, when I spend time with some of the protagonists of this exercise. Let’s see how they wrap this up….
The trophy gets into some unusual situations today. Duct taped to a bike? Sure. Running to the bank or need to fill the gas tank? Bring the trophy. Nap time/bedtime? The trophy needs its rest too! Today was "take your trophy to work" day as well. In the mood for some accordion? Don't forget, the trophy loves accordion also! But perhaps the most disturbing photos are of the poor trophy witnessing a certain bodily function of not just one, but two species. Wow.
“What a long, strange trip it’s been…”
I have an amazing group of good friends, who are quite talented and entertaining. This month (and who knows how much more to come) has been a ton of fun. Posts and photos pop up from some unexpected places, at unexpected times. Some artistic, some creative, some interesting, but all entertaining.
So, what I've learned from this experience that I have some good friends who are ruthless, merciless, and relentless. With friends like these, who needs enemies! And you have to wonder, if this is how they treat a friend, what will they do to a person they dislike?
There has been some discussion on Facebook of extending this to a full year of Mick, but I can't imagine keeping this running at this level for much longer, so I hope we all can let this die a natural death. If it does continue, I'll forego any more commentary, and just sit back and enjoy the show. What a long, strange trip it's been, but it's time to let it go! Thanks to all contributors, and thanks to all who enjoyed the show!

An album of the photos is available on Facebook here. Share, tag and comment to your hearts desire. I hope you've all had as much fun with this as I have!


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