Thirty Days of Mick!!!!
Thirty Days of Mick It all began mid-morning, July 13, 2014, but perhaps a bit of explanation of what led us to this is in order before we delve into the Thirty Days. A few members of the Tri-Sharks club put together two relay teams for the Rodney T Miller Triathlon in Decatur. (Nicely run event, by the way.) One team competing in the men's, and the other in the coed divisions. Naturally there was a bit of good-natured rivalry between the two threesomes of friends. Race day came, wet and dreary, as we traveled south to Decatur. The radar showed that the rain was passing, but would be our unwanted companion for a time. It was still raining lightly upon our arrival, so we checked in, got our race packets, and waited, all the while gazing forlornly at the western sky as it lazily lightened up. Upon our arrival we were notified that due to lake conditions, the swim portion of the race would now be replaced with a one mile run. Neither team was ecstatic with this turn of events, but...