
Showing posts from April, 2020

When We Get Back to Normal...

When We Get Back To Normal… An innocent enough phrase, for a less-than-innocent phase. A phrase I’ve used in the past, “When we get back to Normal…” sometimes relating to returning from a vacation (since I live in Normal, IL), listing all the chores that I’d need to get going. Sometimes relating to a need to return to a state of normalcy from an upheaval. It’s never seemed quite so monumental as it does now. In fact, it seems to have evolved to a slightly different wording: “IF we get back to normal…” Ominous. It seems that our entire planet, our civilization, our lifestyle, has been taken hostage by a microscopic entity referred to as Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. Every facet of our lives has been affected; from work, to socializing, to how we spend our leisure time. We’ve been directed (wisely, I believe) to work from home if possible, to keep six feet away from others when out, to not touch our faces (I never realized how often I do this!), to wash our hands frequently,...