2015: Goals Met, and Mostly Un-Met
GOALS: 2015 (Now, that was a year!) My annual bragging post, wherein I laud myself and my cycling achievements. Ah, but this year wouldn't turn out as I'd hoped it would. I'm not sure what this year was called in the Chinese calendar, but for me, it will forever remain in my memory as “The Year of the Squirrel.” (Non-cycling events notwithstanding.) This post is a departure from my previous five….thankfully. I’m happy to take a leave from my other posts’ subject and return to what I originally intended this blog to be about: cycling. My hobby, and life, outside of work and family. After a record-setting (for me, anyway) year in 2014 , I had high hopes for 2015. I set some goals, hoped to improve, and do the big one...something that, for me, signifies a truly serious cyclist. So, my racing goals for the year were a repeat of the previous year’s: Sullivan Triathlon, Tri-Shark, Decatur’s RTM tri, and Oak Run tri (my favorite), with the addition of the ABR TT serie...