The End....or is this a beginning?
Soon, all too soon, I think. Soon I will take my final walk through those familiar orange double doors. Walk in and see all the mechanicals bathed in unnatural fluorescent lighting. Walk in and smell that unidentifiable and yet unmistakable odor that permeates the plant. Walk in to the incessant clanking of the overhead conveyor that transits the car doors to the assembly line. Walk in and see all of my coworkers, wearing the burgundy and gray Mitsubishi uniform in all imaginable shapes and sizes. Walk in to see the yellow painted robots performing their choreographed dance of automotive assembly, contrasting with the dull pale green paint on most every other metal surface. Walk in to see all the cars in progressive stages of assembly. Walk in on the bare, smooth, worn concrete floors. It was just over 26 years ago that I first walked through those doors. Wide-eyed with anticipation, excited, timid, and unsure. No idea what this expansive building had in store for me. In the 27 yea...