Forgive Me
Forgive Me, Corona, For I Have Sinned Social distancing...Isolation...Separation...Quarantine. Call it what you will. It’s not terribly enjoyable. I know some people are better at it than I am, and there are others who are less adept. Hopefully, in the big picture, enough of us are doing enough isolating to rein in the spread of Covid19. We do fine at home, just me and my wife, and Dante and Eddie (our dogs)...alone together. She still works full time remotely, so her work life continues as before, but the commute is shorter. I still have to go in to the bike shop to do my work, can’t really adjust that derailleur from home. The shop owners are doing an amazing job of keeping me isolated from the public. (A fact that benefits all.) Before I can even touch a bicycle, that bike has to be allowed in through locked doors, and sterilized with disinfectants before moving the bike back to my work area. Whether I’m fixing a flat, or doing a complete three-hour overhaul, I need not wor...